"the LPG Specialist on the Isle of Wight"
"the LPG Specialist on the Isle of Wight"
Established in 2002
22 years
Stephen Ward
Caravan & Boats
TECHNICAL HELP with your Fridge
There are two main fridge manufacturers and & Thetford
Both these fridges are absorption fridges: this means that that produce cold in they remove heat from inside the fridge via their cooler unit. The difference between outside and inside makes the fridge cold.The average cold temperature should be between 5 C and 8 degrees C.
1.The fridge must be as level as possible. Older fridges are more susceptible to level fluctuations, check your fridge floor rather than the caravan floor if you have doubts. Level your caravan at the wheels using levellers or wooden blocks, never level using your corner steadies.
2.Most people run their fridges on 230v electric, however, if the site or you have power failure then losing your food can be a problem. Throughout the year, use your fridge on Gas periodically. This will not only keep the burners and ignition working but also give you peace of mind that the fridge will work The handbook will instruct you how to work the fridge on gas.
3. If your fridge is fitted on the door/awning side then overheating can be an issue. Your fridge will work to an ambient temperature of 25 degrees C above this then the fridge begins to struggle to hold temperature. On really hot days or if you have an awning up on the vent side: REMOVE both top and bottom vents completely, this increases critical airflow around your fridge by 25%. Open the awning to increase air flow to its maximum. If your fridge is on the sunny side, try shielding the vents with shading. Do not cover the vents.
Fridge Not Working? Try these Checks!
On both 230v mains and gas, the fridge should be hot at the back. Remove the covers and touch the rear black cooler unit pipework at the top. This should be hot. WARNING CAREFUL THIS MAY BE VERY HOT TO THE TOUCH. Touch the lower part of the fridge, this should be warm and not hot. If the fridge is very hot then although the fridge elements or gas are working the cooler unit may have failed. If your fridge is not hot on 230v mains touch the outer silver flue casing, the element should make this hot if it isn't then the element may have failed.
Gas ignition failure is usually caused by lack of use. The gas pipe and jet are very small and can take several minutes to purge the air from the pipe and can get blocked with dust and debris easily.
If your burner lights but you can still hear the ticking of the ignition a fault either at the PCB or sensor is the cause.
With an element fault and the fridge will have to be removed to access the rear as this cannot be fixed in situ.